Monsieur Leguignon, Lampiste

Monsieur Leguignon Lampiste, un film de Maurice Labro avec Yves Deniaud, Bernard La Jarrige (Bernard Lajarrige), Jean Carmet, Jacques Emmanuel, Pierre Magnier, Christian Duvaleix, Marcel Josz. A railway worker, Leguignon, and his wife are forced to move into a house located in a shaggy part of town. What Leguignon doesn't know is that a group of children have discovered a treasure and keeps it stored in the house. Trouble ensues when he discovers the cache and tries to claim it as his own.

Georges Paulais and Julienne Paroli have starred in 6 movies together. Their first film was Belle étoile in 1938. The most recent movie that Georges Paulais and Julienne Paroli starred together was Le secret de soeur Angèle in 1956.

Belle étoile

Georges Paulais

Starred as Uncredited

Julienne Paroli

Starred as Uncredited


Georges Paulais

Starred as Uncredited

Julienne Paroli

Starred as La cliente à la pharmacie


Georges Paulais

Starred as L'usurier

Julienne Paroli

Starred as La Noémie

Caroline chérie

Georges Paulais

Starred as Le domestique chez Coignet

Julienne Paroli

Starred as La voisine de la nourrice

Monsieur Leguignon, lampiste

Georges Paulais

Starred as L'huissier du tribunal de la Seine

Julienne Paroli

Starred as La vieille habitante du quartier

Le secret de soeur Angèle

Georges Paulais

Starred as L'antiquaire

Julienne Paroli

Starred as Une soeur

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Jean Carmet and Jacques Gencel have starred in 2 movies together. Their first film was Le roi des camelots in 1951. The most recent movie that Jean Carmet and Jacques Gencel starred together was Monsieur Leguignon, lampiste in 1952.

Le roi des camelots

Jean Carmet

Starred as La Globule

Jacques Gencel

Starred as Jeanjean

Monsieur Leguignon, lampiste

Jean Carmet

Starred as M. Grosjean - policier et habitant du quartier

Jacques Gencel

Starred as Un gosse du quartier

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See all of Jacques Gencel's connections.

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Mr Le Guignon Lampiste

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Monsieur Leguignon Lampiste Film

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Monsieur Leguignon Lampiste (1952)

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Monsieur Leguignon Lampiste

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